Learn Spanish with Tandem language exchange

A language exchange at our Spanish language school in Granada, Spain is more than just language learning!

As a Tandem language school we endeavour, if requested, to find a suitable language partner from Granada who is learning your native language. This enhances the language learning process, promotes intercultural exchange and encourages autonomous learning methods.  You meet your partner at least once or twice a week and take it in turns at being student and teacher, sharing the time between the two native languages.


  • In order to obtain a partner, you need to attend a longterm Spanish course for at least 8 weeks.
  • Tandem is not suitable for beginners.
  • We cannot guarantee this programme, particularly during the vacation period from June to September in Spain or for uncommon languages.
  • Language partners are allocated in the order in which the enrolment forms are received.
  • Due to the high demand for these exchanges and depending on their availability, on many occasions we collaborate with language exchange companies located in our city.

    This service is free of charge.

Learn Spanish at Escuela Montalbán in Granada   Spanish course and language exchange in Granada

FEDELE.org FEDELE.org Instituto Cervantes Diplomas de español DELE del Instituto Cervantes. SIELE.org TANDEM International EEA FEDELE Erasmus+ UCAM Camara Madrid Bildungsurlaub CSN
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